For those interested, our HOA and the documents presented here derive their authority from Florida Law. Links to two relevant statutes are included here for your reference. Chapter 617 Corporations Not For Profit Chapter 720 Homeowners Associations
Document LinksStructure of the covenant
DECLARATION OF COVENANTS, CONDITIONS AND RESTRICTIONS Contains 19 Articles on 41 pages. The document itself is confused about the number of pages. For example at the bottom of page 10 is says "Page 10 of 42".
EXHIBIT "A" - PHASE 1 PROPERTY This is a brief description of the Phase I property
EXHIBIT "B" – ARTICLES Fifteen Articles on 9 pages. These are the articles of incorporation. This describes the organization and structure the HOA.
EXHIBIT "C" – BYLAWS Seventeen Articles on 10 pages. This contains the governing by-laws of the HOA.
EXHIBIT "D" - POTENTIAL ADDITIONAL PROPERTY This is a one page description of a possible Phase II. In the document on file with the county there is no title on this page. The title above is taken from the table of contents entry for Exhibit "D".
First Amendment to DECLARATION OF COVENANTS, CONDITIONS AND RESTRICTIONS This is a two page document containing revisions to the Base document.
Supplemental DECLARATION OF COVENANTS, CONDITIONS AND RESTRICTIONS This is a two page document that establishes Phase II and further modifies the covenant.