Please fill out the information in the Form displayed below so that we can better address your problem. It is the boards intention that it should be easy for you to report your grievence.
You do not need to understand all the legal detail of the Deed Restrictions Document to file a complaint. Only three fields are required; provide the address of the home in violation, pick the section number (drop down list) of the Deed Restrictions Document that most closely applies, and provide a description of the violation in your own words. We will not know your E-mail address unless you provide it. It is possible to file anonymously.
Please fill out the information in the Form displayed below so that we can better address your problem. It is the boards intention that it should be easy for you to report your grievence. All grievences will be taken to the board during the next scheduled meeting.
You do not need to understand all the legal detail of the Deed Restrictions Document to file a complaint. Only three fields are required; provide the address of the home in violation, pick the section number of the Deed Restrictions Document that most closely applies, and provide a description of the violation in your own words. We will not know your E-mail address unless you provide it. It is possible to file anonymously. If filing anonymously, skip to Owner in Violation section.
For all other questions or comments for the Association Board, please use the General Inquiry section to the left. General Inquiry
Contact Board Members Directly
Vice President- Simon Blandford
Please mail your ARM inquiries to the provided P.O. Box or use the form above. Resident complaint information<table width="600" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"
" align="center">
<form action="/cgi-bin/formmail/" method="POST">
<div align="left">
<input type="hidden" name="recipient" value="">
<input type="hidden" name="subject" value="Complaint Form">
<input type="hidden" name="Title" value="Complaint Form">
<td><INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="1st Notice Sent:" VALUE=""></td>
<td><INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="2nd Notice Sent:" VALUE=""></td>
</tr> </tr>
<td><INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="15 day Notice Sent" VALUE=""></td>
</tr> </tr>
<td><INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="Date Received:" VALUE=""></td>
</tr> </tr>
<td><INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="In Compliance:" VALUE=""></td>
</tr> </tr>
<!-- ========================Table================================ -->
<!-- ========================================================
---------------------------------------- Banner
======================================================== -->
<td width="600" align="center" ">
<TD COLSPAN="2" ALIGN="center"><br><br></TD>
<TD COLSPAN="2" ALIGN="center"> Name : <INPUT TYPE="TEXT" NAME="Filer Name" VALUE="" SIZE="29" MAXLENGTH="100"></TD>
<TD COLSPAN="2" ALIGN="center"> Spouse: <INPUT TYPE="TEXT" NAME="Filer spouse" VALUE="" SIZE="28" MAXLENGTH="100"></TD>
<TD ALIGN="center">Address:<INPUT TYPE="TEXT" NAME="Filer House Number" VALUE="0000" SIZE="4" MAXLENGTH="4">
<SELECT NAME="Filer Street">
<OPTION>Choose Street
<OPTION>Sunset Cove Drive
<OPTION>Turnstone Lane
<OPTION>Tanager Lane
<TD COLSPAN="2" ALIGN="center">City, State Zip: <INPUT TYPE="TEXT" NAME="Filer City State Zip" VALUE="Winter Haven, Fl 33880" SIZE="22" MAXLENGTH="100"></TD><br></TD>
<TD COLSPAN="2" ALIGN="center"> Phone #: <INPUT TYPE="TEXT" NAME="Filer Phone" VALUE="" SIZE="28" MAXLENGTH="100"></TD>
<TD COLSPAN="2" ALIGN="center"> Work # : <INPUT TYPE="TEXT" NAME="Filer Work" VALUE="" SIZE="29" MAXLENGTH="100"></TD>
<TD COLSPAN="2" ALIGN="center"> E-mail address :<INPUT TYPE="TEXT" NAME="Filer E-mail" VALUE="" SIZE="29" MAXLENGTH="94"></TD>
<TD COLSPAN="2" ALIGN="center">__________________________<br><br></TD>
<!-- ========================================================
---------------------------------------- Owner in Violation
======================================================== -->
<TD COLSPAN="2" ALIGN="center">Owner in Violation</TD><br></TD>
<TD ALIGN="center">Required Address:<INPUT TYPE="TEXT" NAME="House Number" VALUE="0000" SIZE="2" MAXLENGTH="4">
<SELECT NAME="Street">
<OPTION>Choose Street
<OPTION>Sunset Cove Drive
<OPTION>Turnstone Lane
<OPTION>Tanager Lane
<TD COLSPAN="2" ALIGN="center">City, State Zip: <INPUT TYPE="TEXT" NAME="City State Zip" VALUE="Winter Haven, Fl 33880" SIZE="22" MAXLENGTH="100"></TD><br></TD>
<TD COLSPAN="2" ALIGN="center">__________________________<br><br></TD>
<!-- ========================================================
---------------------------------------- Violation
======================================================== -->
<TD COLSPAN="2" ALIGN="center">Applicable Section Number
<SELECT NAME="Violation">
<OPTION>Article VIII Section 1. EXTERIOR MAINTENANCE Owner's Responsibility
<OPTION>Article IX Section 1. Wells
<OPTION>Article IX Section 2. Obnoxious or Offensive Activity
<OPTION>Article IX Section 4. Animals
<OPTION>Article IX Section 5. Garbage and Trash
<OPTION>Article IX Section 6. Storage Recepticales
<OPTION>Article IX Section 7. Vehicles
<OPTION>Article IX Section 8. Visibility of Intersections
<OPTION>Article IX Section 9. Temporary Structures
<OPTION>Article IX Section 10. Signs
<OPTION>Article IX Section 11. Air Conditioning Equipment
<OPTION>Article IX Section 12. Drainage Structures
<OPTION>Article IX Section 13. Exterior Electronic or Electric Devices
<OPTION>Article IX Section 14. Sudivision
<OPTION>Article IX Section 15. Completion
<OPTION>Article IX Section 16. Excavation
<OPTION>Article IX Section 17. Sidewalks
<OPTION>Article IX Section 18. Fences and Walls
<OPTION>Article IX Section 19. Yard Accessories and Play Structures
<OPTION>Article IX Section 20. Use; Rentals
<OPTION>Article IX Section 21. Pools
<OPTION>Article IX Section 22. Dwellings
<OPTION>Article IX Section 23. Tree Removal and Landscaping
<OPTION>Article IX Section 24. Collection (Trash)
<OPTION>Article IX Section 25. Pumping or Draining
<OPTION>Article IX Section 26. Ramps (Scateboard etc>)
<OPTION>Article IX Section 28. Coservation Tracts
<OPTION>Article IX Section 29. Mailboxes
<OPTION>Article IX Section 30. Security Bars
<OPTION>Article IX Section 31. Variances
<TR><TD COLSPAN="2" ALIGN="center">Required<BR><BR></TD>
<!-- ========================================================
---------------------------------------- Restriction Quote
======================================================== -->
<TD COLSPAN="2" ALIGN="center">Applicable Direct Quote:<br><TEXTAREA NAME="Quote" ROWS=4 COLS=60>Enter an applicable direct quote from the Deed Restrictions Document if possible.</TEXTAREA><BR><BR></TD>
<TD COLSPAN="2" ALIGN="center"><br> <br>
<!-- ========================================================
---------------------------------------- Nature of Complaint
======================================================== -->
<TD COLSPAN="2" ALIGN="center">Nature of Complaint:<br><TEXTAREA NAME="Description" ROWS=4 COLS=60>Describe the violation in your own words here.</TEXTAREA><BR><BR></TD>
<TD COLSPAN="2" ALIGN="center"><br> <br>
<!-- ========================================================
---------------------------------------- Submit Button
======================================================== -->
<!-- ========================End Table================================ -->
Applicaple Section Numbers Article VIII Section 1. EXTERIOR MAINTENANCE Owner's Responsibility
Article IX Section 1. Wells
Article IX Section 2. Obnoxious or Offensive Activity
Article IX Section 4. Animals
Article IX Section 5. Garbage and Trash
Article IX Section 6. Storage Recepticales
Article IX Section 7. Vehicles
Article IX Section 8. Visibility of Intersections
Article IX Section 9. Temporary Structures
Article IX Section 10. Signs
Article IX Section 11. Air Conditioning Equipment
Article IX Section 12. Drainage Structures
Article IX Section 13. Exterior Electronic or Electric Devices
Article IX Section 14. Sudivision
Article IX Section 15. Completion
Article IX Section 16. Excavation
Article IX Section 17. Sidewalks
Article IX Section 18. Fences and Walls
Article IX Section 19. Yard Accessories and Play Structures
Article IX Section 20. Use; Rentals
Article IX Section 21. Pools
Article IX Section 22. Dwellings
Article IX Section 23. Tree Removal and Landscaping
Article IX Section 24. Collection (Trash)
Article IX Section 25. Pumping or Draining
Article IX Section 26. Ramps (Scateboard etc>)
Article IX Section 28. Coservation Tracts
Article IX Section 29. Mailboxes
Article IX Section 30. Security Bars
Article IX Section 31. Variances
Article VIII: Section 1.EXTERIOR MAINTENANCE Owner's Responsibility
Article IX: Section 1. Wells Section 2. Obnoxious or Offensive Activity Section 4. Animals Section 5. Garbage and Trash Section 6. Storage Recepticales Section 7. Vehicles Section 8. Visibility of Intersections Section 9. Temporary Structures Section 10. Signs Section 11. Air Conditioning Equipment Section 12. Drainage Structures Section 13. Exterior Electronic or Electric Devices Section 14. Sudivision Section 15. Completion Section 16. Excavation Section 17. Sidewalks Section 18. Fences and Walls Section 19. Yard Accessories and Play Structures Section 20. Use; Rentals Section 21. Pools Section 22. Dwellings Section 23. Tree Removal and Landscaping Section 24. Collection (Trash) Section 25. Pumping or Draining Section 26. Ramps (Scateboard etc>) Section 28. Coservation Tracts Section 29. Mailboxes Section 30. Security Bars Section 31. Variances